That Hard, Bizarre Thing #7 of 45: “The Cards Say”

by Angela

(NOTE: Inspired by a journal about past events, does NOT reflect the present.)

In the excitement of all that Girl is, and the seemingly unlimited possibilities before us, Girlfriend and I pull out tarot and oracle cards because surely they are going to say we are meant to be a trio, and everything is going to be so great, and this connection will last forever, and make us so so so so so happy. Fully expecting to pull the 3 of Cups, The Lovers, probably The Sun, the 10 of Cups, and 2 of Cups for good measure. 

But Girlfriend’s spread does not say that. In fact, Girlfriend’’s cards include two main points. One, that she is everything Girl is afraid to desire AND everything Girl desires, like a luscious, tantalizing forbidden fruit. Two, that Girlfriend’s relationship with Girl is going to be chaotic, painful, and full of regret. 

This is not the spread Girlfriend was expecting (though she does like the part about being forbidden fruit), and she suggests it makes no sense that chaos and regret could possibly come from connecting with such a beautiful soul. (This later becomes a running joke. Much later.)

As for my spread, it says my relationship with Girl can be difficult, there lies some challenging stuff ahead, but ultimately I will be fine. I am definitely not everything she desires, or anything she desires (though she may very well desire what I possess), but I will be A-okay. I will emerge, eventually, on top in some way and my advice is to not get caught comparing myself to Girl because that will drive me crazy. We are perplexed by how somewhat boring and mundane my spread is, and how crazily dramatic and dark Girlfriend’s is.

We end with a spread on non-monogamy. Is this the right path? Should we be going in this direction? Is it wise to open up our relationship? The spread says YES, absolutely pursue this. Absolutely walk this road. But it also says there will be obstacles, there will be great jealousy, there will be overwhelming pain and anguish, there will be Tower endings and Death rebirth, BUT, but, it will ultimately lead to joy, stability, tranquility, gratitude, blessed transformation, and the birthing of dreams. We choose to downplay all the messages saying it will be hard, and focus on the goodies. Think positive, right?

Speaking of downplaying, further down the road Girl asks me to do a spread on the three of us, but I am in a rush and mostly highlight the nice stuff in the end. That it is all going to be great, it is meant to be, everything will be worth it. However, as I later look it over I see our trio is full of trials and tribulations, loss, pain, deception, and darkness that will eventually lead to strength, peace, and invaluable personal growth. 

The cards, I tell you.

The cards are always on point.

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